Friday, January 22, 2010

Tourist? Never.

A question that people always ask others when you are getting to know them (which I'm noticing more now that I'm back in the dating scene) is: Have you ever travelled outside of the country?

It seems as if that is a defining question. As if a person is defined as a traveler, or not a traveler. Or defined as adventurous or not adventurous. So on and so forth.

I have never travelled. I've only been to a few states in the US itself, and have never needed a passport. I've never even been to Mexico. I suppose I just never had the money to travel, and now that I'm financially stable, none of my friends are. As confident as I am with my ability to be alone, travelling out of the country by my lonesome does not appeal. On top of that, I have no desire to be a tourist. To be more specific in regards to Europe in particular- I have absolutely no desire to visit Paris, or any trendy place to be a tourist.

If I were to ever head outside of the USA, my destinations would be more historical in nature. The attic where Anne Frank and family stayed. The museum demonstrating the obliteration of Pompei. The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. The Pyramids of Egypt. Etc. Sure, it would be grand and fun to see the sights shown in pictures and movies. The landmarks we've all seen so many times through technology. But that does not interest me. Mindless tourism doesn't do it for me.

But... there is one place that I would love to visit just for fun. Italy. Florence, Rome, Venice. If I ever get there, however, it is not going to be a random American just coming to take a look. My goal for Italy is to actually learn Italian. Actually rent an apartment instead of staying in a hotel. Actually spending a decent amount of time there. I'd get "in" with the locals. Find the amazing and interesting locally-knows hot spots and landmarks. More like temporarily live there instead of just in-and-out quick visiting. To me, that would be more meaningful than anything else.

I found some websites online that "teach" free Italian. But free doesn't mean good. I looked into the Rosetta Stone thing, but it's super expensive. So I guess I'll just keep looking it up and cross my fingers that I eventually find something that's good. Being fluent in Italian is a goal. It's good to have a goal.

That's all for now. It's just been on my mind with the whole dating "getting to know you" game.

Much Love!


elbie said...

have you heard of the book "eat, pray, love..." you sound a lot like the lady in this book regarding italy :)

Anonymous said...
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Brent Festge said...

I hear they have really good Chinese food in Italy.

The Girardo Family said...

Jessica, this is the first time on your blog (it's Alyssa (Trimble) Girardo. I read this one and totally connected with it. My whole life I wanted to go to Italy. I will some day and I want to learn Italian too. I want to travel the whole country, from the Italian Alps through Tuscany (Florence and such)hit Rome/Vatican City all the way down to Naples/Sicily. I want to hit it all, but I might have to do many trips. I like your idea of living there and spending time. I also totally agree that traveling would be historical.