'Twas the day after Thanksgiving and all through my parent's house
Every creature was stirring though we already ate the mouse
All the leftovers stuffed in the refrigerator with care
In the hopes that I'd eat them, and maybe even share
The children were downstairs playing the Wii
While visions of bowling kept coming to me
And mom in her kitchen chair and her hands in her lap
Had just woken up from a Black Friday nap
While inside the bathroom I heard such a clatter
Zipping up my pants wondered what was the matter
Away to the front room I flew like a flash
Tore open the door and suffered whiplash
The lights in the kitchen were starting to glow
Shining flourescent rays on the people below
And what to my wondering eyes should appear?
But my brother that lives in Kansas standing right here!
Okay, enough of the poem. Basically, yes. My brother surprised us with a visit. He got in the day after Thanksgiving and left two days later on Sunday. My sister's farewell was on Sunday and he wanted to be here for that. It was awesome! When I saw him I couldn't even believe what I was seeing! A complete surprise, and a very happy one at that. Me, my brother, older sister, and brother-in-law were able to sneak away for some bowling on Saturday. From eating food at our Mongolian family's house on Wednesday (there's a story to that) to going to a movie with the family, to Thanksgiving dinner with the family, to running errands, to spending time with my brother, to going to Emily's open-mic show, to her farewell. It was a busy busy weekend and I absolutely enjoyed every second of it. Except for when I had to leave Emily's farewell early due to food poisoning and spending the next few hours alternating between vomitting and crying. That part wasn't so fun. Note to self- NEVER AGAIN reheat seafood pasta.
On top of that- I know what I'm doing for Christmas presents this year. See, I like to make things. I don't like to go to the store and buy someone for something that they could just buy themselves if they wanted. So my gifts are all sentimental or homemade- or both. Michael and I went to a store and browsed around and I know what I'm doing! I can't say what here as some of these gift-receivers read my blog. But it's splendid!
Anyways, I better get some work done. Sorry for the somewhat boring blog. Just wanted to get an update on my weekend in, I suppose.
One more thing- I figured out that I have enough time off for three days at the end of the month. I am on the work calendar for time off. So basically, I will leave work on Christmas Eve and not come back until January 2nd. Wahoo!! I have no plans to speak of, but it will be great to not be at work for an entire 8 days!
Much Love!
fabulous poem.. i still have the book you made me :)
how fun that James surprised you guys!! that's awesome! Hope all is well with the whole Maher family - and hope you are doing okay with Emily gone. :( Love you!!
Homemade stuff is awesome. Last year, my sister and brother in law gave me a binder full of cool wikihow's (how to eat texas, how to cross dress, etc.), and pictures of them following the various discussions. One of my favorite gifts ever.
Lindsay- I still have the blanket you made me! What a good year that was!
Courtney my love- Emily is leaving December 17th. Which is WAY too soon. It's going to be hard, that's for sure...... And I love you!!
Mike- I totally agree that hoomemade is the bestest!
Loved your version of the poem, man. I'm ecstatic that you were able to see James(es) - I'll always consider him the brother I never had but badly wanted. I feel fortunate to be the one that felt the most nostalgic (aside from your own family) while reading this...some of my favorite memories of all time stem from a Maher family gathering. As always, I can't friggin' wait until I get what you've made me, depending on which 'list' I'm on. Hey, maybe a NW trip for that weekend? Think about it...
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